Buggee Bug

Buggee Bug
Buggee Bug the best pug in the universe

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Help animals for free at the touch of a mouse!
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Pug of the Week Contest

Is your pug ready to be adored by people all over? Just send your favorite picture of your pug to pugissa.pugsarecool@gmail.com and it will be featured as our next pug of the week! It is also a great way to support pug rescue because if your pug was rescued we will put a link to the rescue's website where our viewers can donate to it!
 Here are the rules:
1.Must be at least one pug/pug mix in the picture
2. Picture must have been taken by you ( no proffessional photography, internet pictures)
3. Please say the pug's name and your name, and if it was rescued say where it came from

If it follow the rules, each picture submitted will be used! The picture will apear on this website and the Pugs Are Cool Facebook page! Get out those cameras and and start taking pictures- its pugly portrait time!